Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.TableBindingEditor
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Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.TableBindingEditor


public class TableBindingEditor
extends CustomOverrideVObjEditorSupport
TableBindingEditor is the property editor used for editing the Table Data Binding property

1.0 10/21/98
Vasudev Rao

Variable Index

 o editorPage
This is the page that contains the GUI

Constructor Index

 o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.TableBindingEditor()
Default constructor

Method Index

 o cancelPressed()
The derived class should override this method.
 o getCustomEditor()
A PropertyEditor may choose to make available a full custom Component that edits its property value.
 o getHelpID()
 o getJavaInitializationString()
This method is intended for use when generating Java code to set the value of the property.
 o helpPressed()
The derived class should override this method.
 o okPressed()
The derived class should override this method.


 o editorPage
protected symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.TableBindingEditorPanel editorPage
This is the page that contains the GUI


 o TableBindingEditor
public TableBindingEditor()
Default constructor


 o cancelPressed
public void cancelPressed()
The derived class should override this method. and at the end of the overriden method super.cancelPressed() should be called.

cancelPressed in class CustomOverrideEditorSupport
 o getCustomEditor
public java.awt.Component getCustomEditor()
A PropertyEditor may choose to make available a full custom Component that edits its property value. It is the responsibility of the PropertyEditor to hook itself up to its editor Component itself and to report property value changes by firing a PropertyChange event.

The higher-level code that calls getCustomEditor may either embed the Component in some larger property sheet, or it may put it in its own individual dialog, or ...

A java.awt.Component that will allow a human to directly edit the current property value. May be null if this is not supported.
getCustomEditor in class CustomOverrideEditorSupport
 o getHelpID
public int getHelpID()
 o getJavaInitializationString
public java.lang.String getJavaInitializationString()
This method is intended for use when generating Java code to set the value of the property. It should return a fragment of Java code that can be used to initialize a variable with the current property value.

Example results are "2", "new Color(127,127,34)", "", etc.

A fragment of Java code representing an initializer for the current value.
getJavaInitializationString in class CustomOverrideEditorSupport
 o helpPressed
public void helpPressed()
The derived class should override this method.

helpPressed in class CustomOverrideEditorSupport
 o okPressed
public void okPressed()
The derived class should override this method. and at the end of the overriden method super.okPressed() should be called.

okPressed in class CustomOverrideEditorSupport

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